Close-up of couple measuring blood pressure and having video call with their doctor from home. for remote patient monitoring and telehealth, for ensuring patient data protection. mental health salud mental, datos de los pacientes

Industrial Revolution and Telehealth

The first industrial revolution arose more than 200 years ago powered by the discovery of the steam engine. As a result, this allowed for faster and higher production at a lower cost. Later, there was talk of revolutions in the field of electricity, information technology, software systems, and communication technology.

Today we are talking about a fourth revolution that represents an important mindset change. Since it compromises everything that surrounds us, people, data, machines, and industries.

industrial revolution

The fourth revolution, also called industry 4.0, will include virtual assets. Like, the internet of things, artificial intelligence, data science, and blockchain. These new technologies merge the physical, digital, and biological worlds, impacting the way we live, favoring the transformation of humanity.

With the current industrial revolution, industries expect to have higher productivity, more efficient decision-making, and more optimal production processes. All of this, accompanied by direct, massive, and personalized communication, among other changes that will impact economic sectors.

Industrial Revolution and Health Care

Various areas of industries can evidence changes and improvements when using high-technology tools. In Health Care, the development of new devices brings innovation, which allows discovering new ways to address existing problems that range from the simplest to the most complex, an example of which is telehealth.

In the United States, the Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring model has led to several advances in terms of coverage and care in the country.

The industrial revolution in the field of Health Care allows progress to integrate more efficiently in processes, optimize times and related costs, and guarantee better and faster patient care by the medical team.

Close-up of couple measuring blood pressure and having video call with their doctor from home. for remote patient monitoring and telehealth, for ensuring patient data protection. mental health salud mental, datos de los pacientes

About Esvyda

Esvyda is a user-friendly vertically integrated End-to-End outpatient platform. With our eHealth solutions, we help providers to keep engaged their patients by reaching out to patients at their best convenience while delivering billable and Intelligent remote care solutions for population management available anywhere anytime.

It is the perfect solution for providers, payers, patients, and employers.

Industrial Revolution And Telehealth

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Health care consumerization era is here!

Healthcare Consumerization and Adaptability

Consumerization in health care is the trend that everyone is talking about and you need to know about.

Indeed, Consumerization refers to the embracement of new technologies and models that originate and develop from the consumer perspective. Furthermore, this concept’s hot tendency reflects the interest in the impact that consumer-originated technologies can have on the health industry. Also, reflects the willingness of health institutions and providers to know how this will affect them. For being prepared and take advantage of it.

These new models are emerging because patients are getting more self-conscious about their role in their own health and treatments. That is to say, payers and providers now see patients from a different perspective, as users and consumers.

Consumers want to be more informed about their health status and conditions, keep easy access to their health records, including their care plans, medications and recommended activities. they love to book appointments easily and access to a doctor in a short period of time. They want to have real-time access to everything related to them.

Healthcare Consumerization and Adaptability era Remote Patient Monitoring Consumerización Monitoreo Remoto de Pacientes

Consumerization has nothing to do with the consumer's age

Health care consumerization should shelter all ages. Not only younger generations that were born with technology at their fingertips, but the ones that did not. Technology providers should design for consumers and relatives from all “tech-savvy” levels, and from all ages.

Understanding generational needs is more than knowing a person's age

“Health Tech” businesses participating in health care should understand the needs of all generations. They should think of accessible products and services capable of integrating into their routines, and their budget.

Consumer Engagement is not a problem, just related to a lack of knowledge of digital tools. Even though younger generations know how to use phones, devices, and video platforms; they are not worried about being healthy.

According to the “Prevalence of Multiple Chronic Conditions Among US Adults, 2018” study, published by the CDC:

Percentage of US adults (18-44 y.o) with at least 1 chronic condition. Representing a 23,841 population
Percentage of US adults (18-44 y.o) with 2 or more chronic conditions. Representing a 7,723 population

This is evidence that consumer engagement goes beyond technology. No matter if health institutions have the best technology tools or services, will be not enough without a high-quality interaction. High rates of patient absenteeism, appointment cancellations, high rate of readmissions, and ER visits could be the results of a bad coordinated technology-human care strategy.

The human touch is relevant to engage consumers in treatments, from the Doctor’s office to the patient’s home and workplace. No matter if consumers are self-independent, all of them need at some level to reaffirm some ideas about their health. Consumers like to share experiences with peers, this is one of the reasons why some of them are active on social media.

Consumer experience improvement will boost engagement rates

Healthcare stakeholders need to think about consumer experience while implementing a technological update. Whether virtual or in-person health care attention, the experience should be equally great for all consumers. Gestures like greeting, using a name, or even smiling can make the difference. It is the health care institution’s duty to make the user feel human instead of just an ID.

About Esvyda Consumerization

We help health stakeholders to engage consumers and at the same time, our solution fits in their ecosystem and workflows. Not only boosting consumer engagement and satisfaction, but also the ROI and efficiency.

Esvyda improves consumer engagement with interactive communication among health care providers, payers, caregivers, and patients. Complementing this, esvyda offers tools such as vital signs Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), physical activity, online booking, and video-driven health. By integrating seamlessly into workflows, our solution allows care plan follow-ups through secure communication.

In short, with the right tailored health technology tools and strategies integration, healthcare stakeholders may follow up with patients and consumers anytime, anywhere.


Definition of Consumerization – Gartner Information Technology Glossary. Retrieved 12 May 2022, from

Boersma, P., Black, L. and Ward, B., 2020. Prevalence of Multiple Chronic Conditions Among US Adults, 2018. CDC. Retrieved 16 May 2022, from

Healthcare Consumerization And Adaptability

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telehealth benefits

Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring Benefits

Telehealth is a tool full of benefits with a growing rate of adoption among US citizens of all ages. Due to its comfortability, and quick adjustment to day-to-day needs, it represents a solid solution for healthcare.

The benefits of using telehealth are vast, presenting an ally in searching for patients’ and their families’ health and wellness. Conferring, at the same time, a strong solution for providers and clinicians, and a reliable resource for payers.

When wisely combined with tailored treatments, whether for patients suffering from chronic diseases, people at risk, or for preventive programs that promote healthy lifestyles, where at the same time a proactive link between health/home care providers, caregivers, payers, and pharmaceutical companies is set, telehealth succeed as a complete solution for healthcare.

Telehealth offers great benefits, let’s get to know them:

beneficios de telesalud Telehealth And Remote Patient Monitoring Benefits

1. To complement physical care, empowering primary doctors.

beneficios de telesalud Telehealth And Remote Patient Monitoring Benefits

The human touch is relevant when caring for patients. Consequently, digitalization in health care may complement how doctors treat patients and attract a younger audience. Almost all medical conditions can be treated online with expert medical advice and follow-up treatments.

Through virtual care, doctors, care teams, patients, and families can communicate via secure messages, SMS, or email. Promoting a patient-centric approach.

Furthermore, by providing tools such as self-book appointments, and access to medical notes and treatment, patients are most likely to engage in interactions with their doctors

A variety of remote patient monitoring (RPM) solutions are available to monitor vital signs and monitor physical activity. Complementing personalized treatments or preventive care provided by doctors to patients.

2. For mental and sexual health diseases, Telehealth make patients feel comfortable

In most cultures, mental and sexual diseases are still taboo subjects. As a result, appointment cancellations increase, and doctors’ incomes reduce significantly.

In telemedicine, these issues can be addressed discreetly, and patients feel more comfortable talking in familiar environments. Using telehealth, providers can offer individual and group therapies as well as involve families.

3. Medication Management.

Doctors can follow up on prescriptions through booked appointments. So, they can adjust regimens based on progress in treating patients, their feedback, and their medical history.

By using follow-up video consultations, readmission rates and ER visits can be significantly reduced. 

Also, Telehealth is the best option for post-discharge programs and short-medium-long term treatment plans for patients with chronic conditions.

beneficios de telesalud Telehealth And Remote Patient Monitoring Benefits

4. Provide cost saving to the Healthcare System.

Appointment cancellation may be avoidable because problems relative to transportation may be solved. Especially useful for elderly persons or those living by themselves with physical disabilities.

5. Time reduction

People who do not have enough time to spend in a waiting room because of their work schedule may see a doctor easily using online video consultations. 

6. Preventive programs via Telehealth

These may be addressed by care providers and institutions, using online consultations. With the integration of lifestyle, physical activity, and nutrition to treat a patient in a holistic way, by using telehealth, patients may be treated anytime, anywhere. 

Esvyda wisely provides telehealth solutions for healthcare providers, which together with customizable treatments can treat patients in a holistic way! It is a complete telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring solution that integrates transversal tools for optimization in all processes of the health system. Do not hesitate to contact us at any time through our different support channels.

Telehealth And Remote Patient Monitoring Benefits

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Telehealth in healthcare

How Telehealth is changing healthcare?

Telehealth is changing the healthcare system and the approach doctors, nurses and medical staff had to prevention, wellness, and treatment. By providing a handful of solutions based on the patients’ and communities’ needs. The usage of virtual health tools has come across as a rescue in times of crisis and as the best ally to protect the health system.

Due to the facility, we have now to connect, explore and share using the technology; cell phones, laptops, and PCs. We are increasing our capacity to search for our wellness as patients or to provide services as medical staff. Telehealth is an inviting solution that will make health care faster, easier, and convenient for different lifestyles. Just when the time is more valuable than ever.


Most important changes telehealth has made in healthcare:

Create a solution that works differently for each provider and patient, adjusting to their needs with comfortable tools that allow them to transform and adapt whenever needed.

Telehealth allows patients to connect 24/7 with their doctors and healthcare providers, while at the same time decreasing the amount of time patients have to spend on their face-to-face appointments.

Provide a better way for medical staff to practice medicine, while also protecting patient privacy, through an easier connection between medical charts, virtual appointments, and treatment.

Adapt to a technological culture, improving the services provided to offer high-quality services for patients and their families.

Follow up on treatments in real-time, increasing the positive patient experience, prevention, and health culture.

Increase the access patients in rural and remote areas had to health services while keeping the quality of the services and offering solutions to their health issues.

Is telemedicine the future of the healthcare system?

From 2019 to 2020 consumer adoption of telehealth increased from 11% to 46% in the US, where more patients are sharing positive experiences and showing a preference for this method over the face-to-face visits.


As a result of the Covid 19 Pandemic , doctors were also forced to find a new solution, reducing patient contact while still protecting their staff, patients and families. Telehealth remains an important solution that ensures better outcomes for patients and doctors to this day.

Thanks to the easy and frequent availability of telehealth solutions, more patients are seeking doctors who can use the solution to provide medical advice and address their family needs.

Evidence Based Practice Center reports that during the pandemic, telehealth solutions increased their number of users as well as the evidence of effectiveness in diverse groups of patients and communities and how it adapted to the needs of the medical urgency the Covid19 presented.

About Esvyda

Esvyda is a platform for Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring, with different focus modules for health care. Especially, for providers, it is a practical solution that increases reimbursement and revenue, increases the care-providing time, and promotes patient engagement to improve health outcomes.

Also, patients can have the best healthcare solution, because we approach/engage them, without disrupting their daily lives or routines. Meaning, that our technological and health-supportive solution adapts to patients’ lives and preferences.

employees missing days and benefits for employers

RPM for employers -Remote Patient Monitoring benefits

Esvyda helps employers with

In the US, 1-in-5 adults have more than two chronic conditions. However, limited employers’ attention has been given to the association between them and working. Employees are the backbone of an organization’s activity and growth. Therefore, promoting higher health of employees ensures that productivity remains at satisfactory levels.

Chronic diseases represent a danger to employees and a concern for employers since outcomes depend directly on healthy personnel. Reducing the impact of chronic diseases is a major research topic today between health care and technology companies. All, trying to find profitable and valuable solutions to improve companies’ earnings by bettering employee health and quality of life. This, however, requires that the healthcare system aids a preventive model over the current curative model.

A “preventive model” means bringing health care attention directly to the employee before developing a chronic disease related to work. Or, for employees that have preexisting conditions, means close monitoring of their health status. The “preventive model” focuses on following up on health behaviors to detect costly episodes and prevent them.

How employers can improve employee health?

This is where Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) comes to play. Monitoring devices are required by users to perform “On the go” and optimize power consumption. Thus, new-generation devices are showing up with the capacity of transmitting measurements anytime and anywhere. Also, these devices should be made for embedding health monitoring functionalities into employees’ work routines without interrupting their work. Moreover, integrating with familiar gadgets such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops; increasing the probability of technology adoption.

RPM programs transform the workstation into an inoffice monitoring system, like having a doctor visit at work. For the following reasons, employers should be aware of health issues workers might have or develop at work. And also, to take advantage of Remote Patient Monitoring programs’ data collection, reports casting, and employee management capabilities.

Benefits for employers

Efficient Management

Employers can access the platform where all the data and knowledge regarding the health status of their employees. This information is key for the human resources department as it will allow the adequate investment of resources.

Campaigns for prevention and health promotion will be better aligned with the needs of the organization and provide better outcomes.

Employee well-being

Developing campaigns to promote healthy living and work habits should be accompanied by a culture of monitoring vital signs. Promotions and prevention programs help to identify risk factors for physical and mental health within organizations.

The positive impact will be the reduction of absenteeism levels, higher living quality, greater employee motivation, and a better work environment.

Costs Reduction

According to the NCBI having multiple chronic conditions increase the average number of workdays missed due to injury/illness. On the average, an employee with two or more chronic condition misses 3 to 9 workdays per year.

Conditions representing the largest reductions in workdays compared with “no condition” levels were: Stroke 23%, CHD 21%, Weak/failing kidneys 19%, and COPD 13%.

Other conditions with a strong association with the average number of workdays missed were:

  • Cancer (mean 5 days), followed by
  • Diabetes (mean 4 days)
  • Arthritis (mean 3 days), and
  • Hypertension (mean 2 days).

This is why a reduction in sick leaves will increase employee productivity and well-being. Finally, companies end up minimizing financial losses and encouraging a healthy workplace.

employees missing days and benefits for employers

Esvyda for employers and employees

Esvyda helps employers to increase productivity while reducing costs and keeping employees healthy at work. Implementing health promotion programs with Telehealth and Remote Monitoring of their vital signs and physical activity, not only will help to ease the Covid situation, but also ensure employee’s health in the long term.

Employers can create a working environment based on employees’ health and lifestyle needs, and encourage them to embrace healthy habits.

Hypertension in Remote Patient Monitoring

Hypertension in Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote medical monitoring of patients in the management of hypertension is a health tool that helps provide rapid and innovative patient care.

What is Hypertension?


Hypertension is a common condition, often called the “silent killer.”

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common medical problem. Hypertension occurs when the force of the blood against the walls of the arteries and capillaries becomes too strong. This can cause damage to the heart and brain as well as other organs in the body.

Hypertension usually does not have any specific symptoms, which is why it is called the “silent killer.” Few people know they have high blood pressure until complications arise from it. However, it can cause serious, life-threatening complications if left untreated.

Hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death, disability, and health care costs in the United States. Learn about remote patient monitoring solutions, technology, and clinical trials that can help improve quality of life.

Main Symptoms

It is important to know the possible symptoms of hypertension so that you can take action as soon as possible. If you present some of these symptoms, you can consult your doctor for hypertension, a hypertensive crisis:

  • Severe headaches
  • Nosebleed
  • Fatigue or confusion
  • Eye sight problems
  • Chest pain
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Blood in the urine
  • Dizziness
  • Sleeping problems

Hypertension and Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring can provide substantial benefits in managing hypertension because it could help address healthcare challenges to reduce regulatory burden and increase the availability of treatment access in certain geographic areas.

Esvyda offers a complete remote patient monitoring solution for checking on patients, avoiding a visit to the doctor’s office. Consequently, high-tech medical devices can capture data, including vital signs (blood pressure readings), and manage it automatically with cloud-based software. Customizable alerts notify if levels have been out of a safe range, in order to take timely diagnostics or treatments.

Return on Investment for Remote Patient Monitoring

How to determine the Return on Investment for Remote Patient Monitoring

The return on investment for remote patient management can be seen as a reflection of a new environment. Variations in medical culture and practices over the last few years, as we adapted to new settings in health technology.

As an example, 2020 was a year of significant medical challenges and innovation in Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) and telehealth. These technologies, presented the best solution for population management, bridging the gap between various states of need regarding Covid19. Also, reducing the health disparities, faced by the communities long before that, giving a big boost to technology and RPM.

The new challenge led to new ways of practicing medicine and adjusting services offered by medical practices, doctors, and insurance companies. Creating, modifying, and removing services to make sure that everyone’s health needs were met and how the investment could return. In terms of time consumption, medical equipment purchases, and patient/medical staff training.

Medical practices took the most important role while they were trying to adjust to this new form of billing. Especially, engaging and following up with patients, while offering the best health care service and advice for treatment and adherence. Each one of the entities transformed its management in concordance with the challenge. In the same way, the return on investment evolved as it worked directly with how entities offered remote monitoring to the community. Addressing geography, cultural and ethnic differences.

Questions to address to determine the ROI for Remote Patient Monitoring:

How to determine the Return on Investment for Remote Patient Monitoring

The most common way to determine the return on investment was to answer some questions regarding management execution. These questions involved the impact the program would have in terms of the number of members, type of population, and the biggest challenges the care practice faced in managing chronic health conditions.

In this regard, a specific goal could be set for the service and a return on investment could be arranged between providers, insurance companies, and medical teams.

Key elements to determine return on investment for RPM in a long term:

As RPM presents a solution for population management in terms of monitoring and adherence to the treatment, the return on investment will show that visits and calls to the ER will decrease. This will prevent extra charges associated with the emergency services for patients, insurance companies, and medical staff. 

In addition, the new technology provided the care team with clear information on a daily basis. Expectedly, showing the patient’s progress during the whole treatment process while they were at home. Also, payers and government are reimbursing these new remote services at higher rates and with fewer requirements and flexibility in their application. Providing a new and profitable revenue source for health providers and institutions. 

Check the average of how much a health care provider is reimbursed for RPM

Diverse studies had shown the results RPM has over patients, medical staff, and medical institutions. The Oncology Practice presented one of the best results in terms of care during the global pandemic. In the article “Association of a Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) Program With Reduced Hospitalizations in Cancer Patients With COVID-19”. This study, made in 224 patients with cancer and Covid-19, presented the importance of outpatient care while using RPM and telehealth. 

Why interoperability is important in healthcare ¿Por qué la interoperabilidad es importante para el cuidado de la salud?

Why interoperability is important in healthcare

Interoperability enables platforms to ensure providers and patients that medical information will be always secure and accessible, anytime and anywhere. Studies* revealed that 65% of physicians, ensured that the widespread adoption depends on successfully integrating electronic health records with virtual health platforms.

Nowadays patients are more hesitant to visit a doctor’s office in person. Also, these studies* revealed that Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) strategies and programs will surpass in-patient monitoring within five years. Information sharing, accessibility, and security are some of the biggest barriers to new technology adoption.

As well as in their jobs, education, and spare time, patients are looking for new and more efficient tools. Tools will allow patients to take care of their health by tracking their conditions and adhering to their care plans.

Esvyda Integration

Fragmented information of patients along the care journey can come from many sources. Then, by itself does not provide an overview of their problems. Therefore, healthcare is not well coordinated.

Esvyda technology connects every stakeholder of patients’ health environment creating a channel where information’s timing and accuracy will help them.

Continuous monitoring, meaning 24-hour data, offers a more accurate health panning than a single data piece of episodic data. The widespread use of continuous remote data collection seemed to be something utopic 5 years ago, now is a must for health care platforms and providers.

Why interoperability is important in healthcare ¿Por qué la interoperabilidad es importante para el cuidado de la salud?

Benefits of interoperability

Interoperability is the key to the future of remote health care services.

Virtual healthcare models, businesses, and programs are evolving, moving to a wider range of services enabling holistic virtual care. Mainly, the interoperability between telehealth and virtual health care services with Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and other virtual health records. They are looking forward to creating hybrid virtual/in-person care models, with the objective to improve the consumer experience, access, outcomes, and affordability.

*Studies about the RPM adoption conducted by VivaLink 2021

monitoreo remoto de pacientes

Beneficios del Monitoreo Remoto de Pacientes

El monitoreo remoto de pacientes permite el seguimiento constante a la salud de los pacientes fuera del entorno clínico, como en casa y en el trabajo. Los pacientes utilizarán dispositivos médicos móviles y tecnología portátil para recopilar una amplia variedad de datos de salud generados por el paciente. Luego, se enviará automáticamente a los profesionales de la salud en tiempo real, mejorando la adherencia a los planes de atención y los resultados de la atención médica.

¡Por esas razones y más, el monitoreo remoto de pacientes puede mejorar enormemente la calidad de vida de una persona!

monitoreo remoto de pacientes

Beneficios del monitoreo remoto de pacientes para proveedores:

Guía para los clientes

Esvyda entiende que la relación con el cliente es clave para tener resultados exitosos en la industria de la salud. Por ello, adaptamos nuestras herramientas según las necesidades específicas del cliente, para obtener beneficios óptimos según sus flujos de trabajo.

Toque humano 

Las consultas en línea son la mejor opción para brindar asesoramiento médico experto y ayudar con el seguimiento de tratamientos para casi todas las afecciones médicas. Eso sí, siempre manteniendo el trato humano entre el médico y el paciente.

Precios y costos

Esvyda se compromete a ayudar a los proveedores y promover el ahorro de costos para el sistema de salud con sus herramientas RPM y de gestión de tele salud.

Beneficios del monitoreo remoto para los pacientes:

Esvyda y su solución de Monitoreo Remoto de Pacientes brindan beneficios a los pacientes para su vida, mediante el uso de tecnología de dispositivos y wearebles, y la conexión directa de datos con el equipo médico profesional.

Captura de Signos Vitales

La facilidad para que los pacientes usen dispositivos médicos portátiles desde el hogar o durante el trabajo para recopilar datos sobre sus signos vitales y enviar esta información a su médico y equipo de atención en tiempo real.

Gráficas de los Signos Vitales

La visualización de las medidas de los signos vitales de los pacientes en una interfaz gráfica permite una mejor interpretación. Además, las tendencias y los límites permisibles para tales lecturas se pueden interpretar fácilmente por el equipo médico. 

Manejo del Paciente

Definitivamente, un lugar seguro para almacenar información de salud del paciente, como:

  • Documentación
  • Credenciales
  • Seguros
  • Problemas
  • Alergias
  • Notas de enfermería
  • Síntomas
  • Calendario de lecturas
  • Horarios diarios del paciente


Diariamente, los pacientes pueden ver en tiempo real a través de su aplicación móvil o en la plataforma web todas las actividades y tareas (Objetivos) que su equipo de atención ha recomendado para el cuidado de su salud.


Actualmente, los pacientes también pueden brindar información adicional respondiendo encuestas que su equipo médico envía a través de la aplicación móvil. Como resultado, los proveedores pueden medir la satisfacción y proporcionar información sobre los resultados de los tratamientos y la salud.

Alertas y Notificaciones 

Lo mejor de todo es que se les recordará a los pacientes, a través de notificaciones en el teléfono. Por ejemplo, sobre lecturas de constantes de sus signos vitales, objetivos diarios o citas con el médico.

remote patient monitoring benefits

(RPM) Remote Patient Monitoring Benefits

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) enables monitoring of patients outside of the clinical setting, such as at home and work. Patients will be using mobile medical devices and wearable technology to gather a wide variety of patient-generated health data (PGHD). Then, it will be automatically sent to healthcare professionals in real-time, improving the adherence to care plans and healthcare outcomes.

For those reasons and more, RPM can greatly improve a person’s quality of life!

RPM Benefits

RPM benefits for providers:

Guiding clients

Esvyda understands that the relationship with the client is key to having successful results in the health industry. Therefore, we adapt our tools according to the client’s specific needs, to obtain optimal benefits according to their workflows.

Human touch

Online consultations are the best option to provide expert medical advice and help with treatments follow-up for almost all medical conditions. Of course, always maintaining the human touch between the doctor and the patient.

Prices and Costs

Esvyda commits to helping providers and promoting cost savings for the health system with its telehealth management and RPM tools.

RPM benefits for patients:

Esvyda and its Remote Patient Monitoring solution provide benefits to patients for their lives, through the use of devices and wearebles technology, and the direct connection of data with the professional medical team.

Vital Signs Capture

The ease for patients to use medical devices or wearable devices from home or during work to collect data on their vital signs and send this information to their doctor and care team.

Vital Signs Graphics

The display of measurements of patients’ vital signs in a graphical interface allows better interpretation. Moreover, trends and allowable limits for such readings can be easily interpreted.

Patients Management

Definitely, a safe place to store patient health information, such as:

  • Profile documentation
  • Profile credentials
  • Insurances
  • Problems
  • Allergies
  • Nurse notes
  • Symptoms
  • Readings schedule
  • Patient’s daily times


On a daily basis, patients can immediately see in their mobile app or the web platform all the activities and tasks (Goals) that their care team has recommended for their health care.


Currently, patients can provide additional information by answering surveys that their medical team sends through the mobile application. As a result, providers can measure satisfaction and provide information regarding treatments results and health outcomes.

Alerts and Notifications

The best of all is that patients will be reminded, via notifications on the phone. For instance, regarding vital signs readings, daily goals, or appointments with the doctor.