Discover How Esvyda helps health payers

Esvyda Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring solution supports payers in the prevention and treatment of chronic conditions of their members by coordinating care among all care teams involved and providing real-time and actionable information. As a result, care providers may take action on time, thereby reducing costs. This is especially beneficial for the Hispanic population.

Esvyda works with:

Healthy members are crucial for preventing diseases.

Those who are suffering from chronic conditions, however, require additional support and management.

By avoiding the progression of diseases and effectively managing complications, individuals can maintain better health outcomes.


Additionally, it may interoperate with EHRs information related to patient allergies and active problems, patient vital sign metrics results, patient appointments and goals, messages and alerts, nurse notes, and other customizable features.

Esvyda Technology

1. 24/7 Telemonitoring

Real-time information reports are available at your healthcare provider’s hands! Additionally, it offers integration with wireless medical devices. Furthermore, it includes task management and alerts.

2. Enhance communication capabilities

Moreover, it facilitates better decision-sharing among care teams or with other providers or facilities for suggestions or advice. Additionally, it provides patient engagement to treatments through SMS, chat, and video/audio interaction.

3. Medication Adherence

It includes reminders, alerts, and refills. Additionally, drug dispenser integration is optional.

What we have for your Care Teams


  • Alerts and task management
  • Appointments scheduler
  • Care team management
  • Communication in real time
  • Interoperability
  • Medical devices
  • Easy to use mobile app for patients
  • Mood tracking Patients
  • Patients daily times setup
  • Patients targets setup
  • Logbook Patients
  • Prescriptions management
  • Re-engage patients tools
  • Patisfaction surveys
  • Medication management

Our solution allows to manage patients’ tasks in a customizable easy and understandable way for them.

Follow Up
Use of Durable
Medical Equipment

Care Plan and Action Plan Management

Physical Activity
Diet and Nutrition
Social Interaction
Leisure Time

Engages patients with




Esvyda works very closely with public and private health plans in all of their available programs. Furthermore, Esvyda ensures seamless integration and collaboration with these programs to enhance overall healthcare delivery.

  • Programs to manage patients with chronic conditions include Care Management Services such as Chronic Care Management (CCM), Complex Care Management, and Transitional Care Management (TCM). Additionally, there are initial and follow-up online consultations, senior care, home care, behavioral health, and preventive and wellness services. Furthermore, programs encompass fitness, nutrition, and stress management activities. Other available programs by CMS and private payers are also included.

Esvyda support Patient's Journey

Our lifestyle coaches will support patients throughout their journeys, ensuring they will never be alone, even when healthcare providers are not available for them. Additionally, healthcare providers may see step-by-step improvements or discover some patterns that may lead to poor outcomes and, therefore, take action in advance.

Esvyda makes Technology easier for Seniors

As people age, it is normal to experience changes in vision, hearing, and mobility. However, this does not have to impact a senior’s participation in staying healthy. Finally, Esvyda engages seniors by making the technology understandable and using customizable channels of communication. Consequently, Esvyda provides a senior-designed platform offering a single channel for presenting benefits, health-related information, and other resources to support them.

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